Monday, May 16, 2011


Damn all I want is a true girl.  Livin the college life can be great, but I feel like all the woman want to do these days is hook up.  What happened to the days where girls were ladies? I just want a legit girl.  And the harder I try with a girl, it seems like the harder I fail.  I wonder if its something I'm doing.... who knows. We all might end up with the right person eventually but I'm getting impatient of dealing with shady women.  Until I find the right girl though, I'll keep livin that fun, crazy college life. Shep

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dirty Heads

One crazy ass concert.  The Dirty Heads killed.  The concert consisted of Katastro, Pacific Dub, New Politics and of the course the main act The Dirty Heads.  Katastro was good, Pacific Dub was better, New Politics had horendous music and were a freak show but damn did they get the croud pumped up, and The DH's were absolutely perfect especially after a 3 song  encore! I have a new respect for them because not only is their music amazing, but their live performance is a once and a life time experience. Can't wait for them to come back to AZ, and for them to release new music.  One of those nights I will never forget.Shep

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I might be worse than a women

I have an obsession with shoes! Don't hate, appreciate.  For my b-day I want shoes, for christmas I want shoes, for Jesus' b-day...I want shoes, oh and when I die I want the freshest, most unique pairs of kicks on my feet and when everyone walks by my casket they'll want to steal them! BAM!Shep

Monday, May 2, 2011

Can't live with them, Can't live without them...

Women.  I love women and respect women.  Some of them are gorgeous, some of them aren't.  Some of them are skinny, some are obese.  Some are funny, some are as dull sponge! But the thing they nearly all have in common is being hypocrytical.  Girls always complain about guys being sleeping around, and leading them on but women are the same exact as men.  They talk to multiple men at a time, they don't tell the truth, and they continually make stupid excuses for stuff that doesn't even matter.  To the very few ladies who don't do this, no offense, but it is the majority i feel like.  Everyone needs to stop this shananigans and just be loyal.  Loyalty is the most underated characteristic a person could have.  Women please stop being so hypocrytical and we'll get along so much better :) Shep

Osama's DEAD

Damn, I wish we had some fireworks left from new years day because Osama being killed deserves hell of a celebration.  He was a leader of evil who plotted many peoples death, and to hear that he's dead is just about as nice as hearing you won the lottery (not that I would know what it's like to win the lottery).  Though their leader is gone we still have a war going on over there, and who knows when it'll stop.  But lets thank god for every person who's ever fought to our country/world safe, and knowing that most of us will sleep safe for another day. Shep