Monday, May 2, 2011

Can't live with them, Can't live without them...

Women.  I love women and respect women.  Some of them are gorgeous, some of them aren't.  Some of them are skinny, some are obese.  Some are funny, some are as dull sponge! But the thing they nearly all have in common is being hypocrytical.  Girls always complain about guys being sleeping around, and leading them on but women are the same exact as men.  They talk to multiple men at a time, they don't tell the truth, and they continually make stupid excuses for stuff that doesn't even matter.  To the very few ladies who don't do this, no offense, but it is the majority i feel like.  Everyone needs to stop this shananigans and just be loyal.  Loyalty is the most underated characteristic a person could have.  Women please stop being so hypocrytical and we'll get along so much better :) Shep

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